Obama Documents

October 17, 2012

First we have Organizing Essentials – Barack Obama

Followed by  Michelle Robinson (Obama) Princeton Thesis

“The Obama Bunch”

October 17, 2012

Parody of “The Brady Bunch” theme song…


Here’s the story of Barack Obama
Who was born somewhere
But no one really knows.
He got involved with
A bunch of radicals
And so his power grows.

It’s the story, of a hate-filled lady
Who was busy
with idiots of her own.
They sought to bring down
This great old country
With all their mindless drones.

Then in ’08 Obama and his lady
Won the White House
And Served their Kool-Aid punch.
Now their friends
who hate the Constitution
Got big jobs and they became
the Obama Bunch!

The Key to Understanding “The Dark Knight Rises”

August 3, 2012

Thank You Rush, Sean, Independent Journalists and Blogosphere!!!

September 21, 2009

During the Clinton years, we had Rush, Sean, some other talk hosts, and a embryonic internet blogosphere.  Fortunately, we also had Newt and the “Contract with America” to keep Clinton in check.  As left as he was, I thnk Clinton was very far to the right of Obama.

Nine years later, conservative talk radio has succeeded, liberal talk radio has failed miserably.  The mainstream media has found that they can no longer simply marginalize Rush as a whacko because oops — independent journalists and other voices can get the facts out much faster and with a wider audience than they.

It’s clear that Team Obama doesn’t know the opponent they are up against: patriotic Americans and even sympathetic freedom loving foreigners who desire to have the truth out at all costs.   Their lame attempts to marginalize those not only espousing truth but backing it up with evidence have offended a large part of the American citizenry.  They still try to rely on the old tactics of disinformation and propaganda, hoping that the truth will not get out.

But internet bloggers know people who know people and someone is always willing to talk.  Thanks to the blogosphere they are getting a voice that they wouldn’t have under the MSM alone.  The Dan Rather event of the 2004 election pales in comparison to the pure ignorance by the MSM of the ACORN, Czargate, and other scandals.  Yet they still steamroll on, oblivious their end is near.

Thanks to the bravery of James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, the truth about ACORN was found and recorded.  Thanks to the wisdom of Andrew Breitbart, the release of the information was such that it kept the story aloft for more than a single newscycle.  Like a prizefighter, the ACORN story packed punch after punch after punch… and the opponent could offer nothing more than a token defense.

Obama has been caught now in lie after lie, scandal after scandal and now even potential crime after crime — or at least “violation of the law” if they want to water it down.

The illegal direcive of the Dept. of Education to state and local schools was first.  Now we have the influencing/bullying of arts organizations via NEA funding from the stimulus package.

We are blessed to have this massive network of watchdogs willing to get at the truth and outlets like Sean, Rush, Breitbart and others to disseminate the truth to the masses.

Thank you to them for all they do.  For all the risks they are willing to take.  For being there for America!

Teddy’s Coattail Journey Is Complete

August 31, 2009

Teddy Kennedy would have a been a joke or punchline in his own right, but John F. Kennedy war (gasp) hero and somewhat decent guy for a democrat was beloved by this country.  To a (very slightly) lesser degree, so was Robert Kennedy. 

But Teddy was nothing without the deaths of his brothers.

He was reelected over and over because of his family name and the memory of his poor brothers, cut short from this country by assassins.  He was ineffective, a womanizer, a drunk.

Normally, he would have been a Roger Clinton or Billy Carter — relegated to the sidelines of American history.

But he had the untimely deaths of three brothers (and a date) to pave his way to liberal stardom.

He rode the coattails of his brothers into the political spotlight.

The ride is complete, as he has now has gone as far as they have gone.  Into the grave.

May Camelot fade into memory.

Open Primer to Our 435 “Representatives”

August 19, 2009

It appears that all of Congress, but mostly our beloved bi-annually reset House of Representatives, have forgotten the true nature of their job. Instead they have fallen victim to “tradition” of thinking they are our country’s rulers. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The House is not made up of leaders but representatives. You are not charged with surveying the horizon and like a parent choosing the best course for us. Your sole mission is to represent OUR views to the House, not represent to us what the House is doing…to us.

Your constituents are all the people in your district, not just those of your party. Republican, democrat, independent, conservative, liberal, socialist, whatever. You took on the job of listening to all voices in your district and weighing those opinions and representing the majority view to the House as a whole.

And on that note, you represent ONLY your district. That’s your primary goal and the sole source of your employment. Your district is the reason you are in that office. Your district is the reason you will leave that office. The goals of the party, state, or other districts all take a VERY distant backseat to the desires of the constituents you are paid to represent.

No matter how much face-time you get on CNN, Fox, and the networks, you’re not a rockstar. You should be humbled under the crushing weight of the responsibility you’ve been charged with. And that charge is not any single issue. That charge is to (I repeat) represent the views of your district to the House.

The House of Representatives is called “The People’s House” for a reason. Senators are to represent the total interests of the state — which is why they were appointed originally. But Representives serve soley to weigh the views of their constituents and cast their votes accordingly. This is not to say that you are not allowed a conscience and vote how you feel is best. But if your conscience goes against the desires of your constituents, you should be prepared to face the consequences. In many cases, you can disobey your employer in ignorance and receive forgiveness. But when your employer has expressly forbidden you to do something and you do it anyway, don’t expect a second chance.

It appears the majority (based on polls and town hall meetings) are against government intrusion into health insurance. Many want the real problems of the health care system fixed. Among these are tort reform, state boundary restrictions, and adjusting the tax system to reward doctors who provide care for the indigent. But you don’t fix a problem for barely 5% of the country’s population by destroying a system that works for 95%.

The current congressional attitude of “be quiet and take your medicine” just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

As several analysts have pointed out, government intrusion into the health care industry will “fundamentally change the relationship citizens have with their government”. Instead of the designed “hands off” approach, the government will now have inserted their influence in our everyday lives in an everpresent, overbearing and completely unwelcome way. If ObamaCare in any form passes we will have to be blessed with the permission of the government to take care of personal and private health decisions. This is not right. This is not necessary.

All 435 of you have been put on notice by the voices expressed by those you claim to represent. If you fail to do as your employer tells you to do, then you have chosen to face the consequences. If any “Health Care System Destruction Act” — especially one with a “government option” — comes to a vote, I encourage all media outlets to mark each representative with their vote everytime they are displayed on-screen. Brand each person who voted for so-called ObamaCare with a “Scarlet Letter” H next to the “D” or “R” we traditionally see.

Whether the bill ultimately is defeated, let your failure to represent follow you to the next election.

March 26, 2009

Barack Obama’s spending and taxing policies are outrageous and he just sings along. He’s sticking it too America, reaming us, so to speak…. thus the name: Uncle Ream-Us (NOTE: There is nothing racist about this image or comments, it is strictly an observation of Obama’s fiscal policies against this country)

Uncle Ream-Us

Uncle Ream-Us

Attention True Conservatives

November 3, 2008

Anyone who refuses to vote in this election for John McCain CANNOT honestly call themselves a true conservative. No way, no how. No one cares about petty little tantrums — it’s like a hunger strike with no one watching.

Voting for a non-viable candiate is ALWAYS a wasted vote.

There are absolutely no viable third party candidates in this election. Barr, Nadar, and (gasp) McKinney stand no change whatsoever. If they cannot generate enough interest to poll high enough to be a contender, then they are not viable.

You’re not sending a message. You’re not registering an objection. You’re not voting none-of-the-above.

Wasting your vote on one of these candidates hurts America and TRUE conservatives do not wish to hurt America, the country conservative thought founded.

Not-Voting at all is NOT Patriotic or Conservative

Everyone with any sense knows that a Barack Obama presidency will be harmful to America in ways Gore, Kerry, even Carter could never have imagined. Staying home and withholding your vote from McCain does not gain you anything except a smug and patently false feeling of superiority.

Over the 231 years of this country, many men and women have fought, bled, and DIED for your right to vote. You dishonor them and their memory entirely with your petty passive aggressive whining.

True, withholding a vote from McCain is not actually giving a vote to Obama. But it’s not hurting him either. And it is hurting this country if your vote and voice is not added to the patriotic voices support America and McCain.

The top vote-getter wins in most states. Lending your support to McCain helps insure his victory and Barack Obama’s defeat (as well as standing firm as Americans against Socialism).

No, McCain does not have a great Conservative Record

Sure. He’s got some liberal ideas on things and sure he’s had some issues with conservatives in the past. However, of the two viable candidates (and there are only two)…


This is undeniable by anyone. Sure he’s voted the same way with Obama on a couple of issues. Sure he sponsored amnesty and got an earful from the populace and changed his mind. He’s willing to learn. He’s willing to take risks.

So, while he’s not every conservative’s dream candidate, he is the better of the two.

This all comes down to one simple question. Just one.

Who would you rather see in the White House?

Barack Hussein Obama – OR – John Sidney McCain

One of these two men will be President-Elect late tomorrow or Wednesday. No one else.

If you seriously believe yourself to be a conservative, you will gladly stand in defense of this country. You will set aside your personal goals, desires, and feelings the way so many of our soliders have over the years. You will do your duty for the country you claim to love.

You must vote if you’re a conservative.
You must vote in a way that truly matters
You must vote if you’re a patriot.
You must vote if you love America.

You must vote for Senator John McCain.

Do a Person’s Past Associations REALLY Matter?

October 31, 2008

Albert Speer

Things that make you go “Hmmmmm.”